The Quintessential Fall Mums

The Quintessential Fall Mums
Pink chrysanthemums dressing up the Gardens by the Bay for a festival. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Applying 1-1/3 stops of negative exposure compensation was perhaps too much resulting in saturated reds. So in post, these had to be pulled back a bit to restore the pinks.

A Little Foretaste

A Little Foretaste
A pleasant stroll by the lake under an overcast sky. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken from across the lake just less than five minutes before the sky opened up. Fortunately before that, the lady had made the decision to get off the boardwalk and headed towards the Supertree Grove and cover.

Rain-Soaked Carissa

Rain-Soaked Carissa
Carissa carandas or Christ’s Thorn soaking wet after the morning rain. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

It was still drizzling when we arrived in the gardens. So we checked out first the foliage alongside the sheltered walkway before venturing out further when the rain finally stopped.

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