The Beginning Of Sorrows

The Beginning Of Sorrows
A tank keeping solo vigil at dusk in a time of wars and rumours of wars. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was actually a composite of two images, one of the battle tank and the other of a sunset scene.

Window Dressing

Window Dressing
The facade of the former Old Hill street Police Station. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The pincushion-like distortion at the top and lower edges of the frame weren’t likely what they seemed to be because this Tamron lens had been said by reviewers to have barely any barrel or pincushion distortion at the 42mm focal length used here. They seemed to be more likely the unique character of the 1934 building.

Lady From The Sun

Lady From The Sun
Dahlia Sunlady basking in the sun in the conservatory. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Auto-focus of the 13-year old Pentax seemed to have some issues. It was taking something like 5 seconds or more to lock each time. Thankfully, manual focus still worked fine.

Sun Tanning In The Garden

Sun Tanning In The Garden
A grasshopper basking in the harsh sun in the botanic gardens. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken with a manual focus lens, a very old Adaptall mount lens. The exposure had need to be biased brighter by a stop to produce this image.

Riding Into The Sunset

Riding Into The Sunset
A cyclist working out at dusk in a local park. Photo credit: Jonathan & Eleanor Chua.

This was an attempt at doing a composite of the rider working in a park at sunset. The rider and the sunset had come from two different images.

Cheer Girls

Cheer Girls
Rosa Cheer Girl taking its place in the conservatory. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This didn’t seem to be the name of these roses as I couldn’t find any rose by that name. I think it was more likely the name given to the flower arrangement by the Ikebana school, Shizuoka.

A Mum Get-Together

A Mum Get-Together
Anemone Mums huddling together in a congested conservatory. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

I had thought having the petals burnt out won’t have been that nice, so the exposure was biased darker by 2/3 stop, which was good enough as the Pentax would’ve already underexposed the capture a bit.

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