A Cannon That Bites

A Cannon That Bites
A nineteen-century Malay cannon in the local museum. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This corner here was lit with only a spotlight. So at ISO 800, the shutter speed that could be had was a mere 1/4 second. We won’t usually go beyond ISO 800 for this one-inch sensor camera. The image came out sharp however, even when viewed at 100 percent.

A Palace In Tallinn

A Palace In Tallinn
Kadriorg Palace basking in the mid-afternoon sun. Photo credit: Sarah Chua.

This was taken in Tallinn, Estonia with an iphone. The image was originally rather bright so we had the exposure toned down in post, the sky tweaked to intensify the colour and the foreground darkened a tad.

And It Was Night

And It Was Night
A dragon lantern in Chinatown. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken some years back. The ISO was inadvertently set to auto, and so it came up to 3200, generating quite a bit of noise – double digit level. I remember the camera was placed on an electrical power box, so I could’ve used a base ISO instead. Only some of the noise was fixed in post as fine details were already beginning to be impacted.

Pink Rabbits In The Rain

Pink Rabbits In The Rain
Pink Rabbit Dendrobiums shining in the rain in the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

Photographing with a smaller sensor meant having to be more attentive to the background. Here, the dendrobiums were set against a darker backdrop to isolate the orchids better.

Blowing Bubbles

Blowing Bubbles
A Grey Heron roosting in a then existing colony in Pasir Ris Park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with a mirror lens in 2018 but I don’t remember which one now (I have a 400mm, a 500mm and a 600mm) and the image exif file doesn’t say anything as I might have used a dummy adapter. The image out of the camera was muted as expected of mirror lenses, lacking contrast and saturation that had need to be restored in post. The doughnut bokeh could’ve been smoothed out but was left alone in this instance as they somehow looked interesting here.

Nineteenth Century Artefact

Nineteenth Century Artefact
A 19th century carriage used in the Peranakan ceremony of Tedun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This carriage was apparently used to mark the first year of a child in the Chinese Peranakan tradition. Lighting around this spot in the museum was pretty dim. At ISO 6400, the shutter speed that I could get was a mere 1/30 second.

Smiling Damsel

Smiling Damsel
A damselfly struggling to keep still in the wind. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Depth-of-field of the APSC sized sensor was rather thin at close proximity but seemed to be quite adequate here. I had wanted this frontal view or else a side view might’ve easily kept the whole insect in focus.

Avian Soulmates

avian soulmate
Pacific Swallows pausing between their many high-energy flights in the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

We had to position ourselves near a bench on which these swallows would stop to take a breather between their flights in order to get them.

Magnolia Grandiflora

Magnolia Grandiflora
Magnolia Grandiflora blooming in the Flower Dome. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This blooming flower was happily at our level. A stop of underexposure was used here to keep the white flowers from clipping and also to tone down the surrounding foliage.

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