Quiet Before The Storm

Quiet Before The Storm
Boats languishing at low tide in Sungei Changi in the face of an approaching storm. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This capture was underexposed 1-2/3 stops for the sake of the highlights.

The image was then converted to vivid black and white in post. Dark and mid-tones for the boats and background including the sky were darkened while the water and foreground were separately darkened with the sky reflection receiving more treatment. Overall contrast was then tweaked to get this final image.

Life On The Water

Life On The Water
An elderly boatman doing some repairs on his boat in the eastern part of the island. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

There wasn’t any exposure compensation applied at the time of capture so the white cabin of the boatman’s boat had originally appeared almost washed-out.

Pulling back the highlights in post had recovered details such as peeling paint and rust on the said cabin. Dark and mid-tones of the boats around the elderly boatman were then darkened and toned down.

Dragon Boat Sabbatical

Dragon Boat Sabbatical
Dragon boats getting some sun in a reservoir. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with 1-1/3 stops of negative exposure compensation to preserve highlights. Blues and cyan were then intensified in post and the sky was darkened gradually section by section.

A Colourful Moment

A Colourful Moment
A sampan delivering goods to a sleepy coastal village in the Riau Islands. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The arrival of a shipment of used mattresses at this coastal village can be quite a colourful sight. A telephoto lens was rather useful when walking around there. Otherwise I could’ve missed this one as I was at least a hundred metres away on another platform.

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Dragon Boat Sabbatical


Dragon Boat SabbaticalALT

Dragon boats getting some sun in a reservoir. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with 1-1/3 stops of negative exposure compensation to preserve highlights. Blues and cyan were then intensified in post and the sky was darkened gradually section by section.

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