In The Garden

In The Garden
Supertrees in the mid-afternoon sun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The sky in the original capture was mostly a white sheet. In post, the lower landscape was assigned to a new layer before the sky was darkened. The lake was also correspondingly darkened.

New Guinean Palms

New Guinean Palms
Livistona benthamii or Cabbage Palms towering over nearby palm trees in the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

No exposure compensation was used during the capture. Highlights were however brightened further in post. Yellows were then toned down a little.

The Beginning Of Sorrows

The Beginning Of Sorrows
A tank keeping solo vigil at dusk in a time of wars and rumours of wars. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was actually a composite of two images, one of the battle tank and the other of a sunset scene.

New Guinean Trees

New Guinean Trees
New Guinean Trees in the Gardens by the Bay here. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

When photographing trees, I would usually expose for the trunks as they seem to be the more conspicuous elements in the whole composition. And I would also often set the trunks as the focal points or converging lines in the frame as in this image.

The Nantah Legacy

The Nantah Legacy
A Chinese heritage centre in a western surburbs. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Taken at 16mm equivalent focal length for its convergence effect and tilted for a more dynamic composition. In post, blues were saturated some 50 percent to make the pale blue sky a little bluer.

Biggest House In Town

Biggest House In Town
Orchard Road in the mid-morning sun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The image here looks a little flat. I was actually trying to mitigate the effect of the harsh sun by tweaking the shadows and mid-tones in post and probably overdid something.

High Noon

High Noon
A quiet promenade outside the Shoppes at noon at the height of the pandemic last year. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured at the equivalent focal length of 16mm.

Garden Lighting Ideas

Garden Lighting Ideas
Flora and fauna lanterns lighting up the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken handheld. At ISO 400, I had gotten a comfortable 1/60-second shutter speed. However, exposing for the lanterns, the surroundings had come out completely dark. Brightening this up in post, I was penalized with a noise level of some 38 that had need to be fixed.

A Mum Named Cruella DeVil

A Mum Named Cruella DeVil
Chrysanthemum Cruella making a rare appearance in the conservatory. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This chrysanthemum seemed to be named after the cruel lady character in the ‘101Dalmatians’ movie. 

The image was captured at the equivalent focal length of 16mm with the camera held close to the nearest mum.

A Rueful Sunset

A Rueful Sunset
The sun setting over the Supertree Grove. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

… in search of a glorious morning. 

This was taken handheld as I wasn’t carrying a tripod at the time. To keep sky highlights, this was underexposed 1-2/3 stops. That had also kept the ISO at 125. Shadows were then lifted up a bit during raw conversion.

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