Counting Its Blessings

Counting Its Blessings
An Olive-backed Sunbird looking up in gratitude in its Bromeliad paradise. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

The yellows in the original background were rather overwhelming and had easily drowned out the sun bird. So we had the yellows toned down a bit in post, just enough for the sun bird to stand out better.


A trapped Olive-backed Sunbird looking longingly at the free range outside the conservatory. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This male Olive-backed Sunbird was somehow trapped inside the air-conditioned conservatory. He had all the nectar-rich flora inside the conservatory to himself but I think he won’t mind trading that for free range outside.

Sunbirds are rarely still except when they are preening themselves. This one was ‘caught’ in one of its momentary pauses between his many frenzied flights seeking a way out.

A Garden Songbird

A Garden Songbird
An Olive-backed Sunbird foraging east of the Marina Bay. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

Although this small sunbird is endemic to the Phillipines, it’s a pretty common sight here. It’s a very active bird and getting it in a less cluttered surroundings like this was a bit tricky, especially if you were using an adapted kit.

Fluffy And Comfortable

Fluffy And Comfortable
A trapped sunbird surviving the cold in the Flower Dome. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This Olive-backed sunbird that was trapped inside the air-conditioned conservatory was here apparently puffing up and trying to trap pockets of air around its body to keep warm. This was cropped a little to compose in post, about a 90-percent crop of the original.

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