Nineteenth Century Artefact

Nineteenth Century Artefact
A 19th century carriage used in the Peranakan ceremony of Tedun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This carriage was apparently used to mark the first year of a child in the Chinese Peranakan tradition. Lighting around this spot in the museum was pretty dim. At ISO 6400, the shutter speed that I could get was a mere 1/30 second.

The Padang In 1851


The Padang In 1851ALT

John Turnbull Thomson’s oil painting of the Padang in the local museum. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

It was rather dim where this painting was hung. The camera had pushed up the ISO to 6400 resulting in a very noisy (level of over 20) image. But this was left alone for the sake of retaining details.

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