Potted Cymbidium

Potted Cymbidium
Cymbidium Orchids in a shopping mall. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

The aperture was set to f/11 as this was where the lens would perform best. But this meant the ISO had need to be pushed to 6400 by the camera to give a hand-hold able shutter speed and ending up with double-digit noise. The noise was reduced partially in post in order not to impact details too much.

Cymbidium Orchids In Sync

Cymbidium Orchids In Sync
Cymbidium Orchids seemingly cheering in unison in a shopping mall. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

The image originally came out rather warm with the greens barely discernible as the orchids were in a lobby lit with tungsten lights. This was easily fixed during raw conversion with some white balance tweaks.

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