A Ferrari In The Grand Canyon

A Ferrari In The Grand Canyon
A Ferrari zipping around town here. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Well, not really … but the background did make me think of the canyon. Captured with the camera placed almost on the ground and tilted for that little extra drama.

Seeing Red In Town

Seeing Red In Town
A gleaming Ferrari in the harsh sun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The owner had obviously taken the trouble to polish it and it was looking good. 

It was however in harsh sunlight but at the same time that was also a good opportunity to see how the Sigma would perform here and the Ferrari wasn’t moving in this instance. 

So a stop of underexposure was applied to keep highlights from clipping and the Sigma had done the rest.

Zooming Ferrari

Zooming Ferrari
A Ferrari running around the sportshub neighbourhood. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

In the film era, one way I, like many others, enhanced the sense of movement of an approaching vehicle was to mount the camera with a zoom lens on a tripod, pull back the zoom barrel (telephoto zoom lenses worked like pumps then) and hit the shutter simultaneously. In the digital age, I work a bit differently. The zooming effect gets introduced in the post processing stage.

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