The Magnificent Cathedral


The Magnificent CathedralALT

The cathedral, better known as Duomo of Milan, standing some 45 metres tall in Milan, Italy. Photo credit: Sarah Chua.

Sarah had excluded the foreground here to include as much of the ceiling as her lens would allow. The tiny folks at the lower right corner gave an idea of the immense size of the place.

Atop The Duomo


Atop The DuomoALT

A bird’s eye view on the roof of the Duomo of Milan. Photo credit: Sarah Chua.

To get this view, Sarah had climbed up something like hundreds of steps until her legs went jelly. A lift was actually available but you would need to pay a little more. It was a Tuesday and the place appeared to be crowded.

Here, Sarah had managed to keep the Duomo facade verticals and nearby buildings straight by keeping her phone level and not tilted downward nor upward.

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