Who Took The Candy From The Candy Jar


Who Took The Candy From The Candy JarALT

A poster girl who apparently couldn’t resist the temptation. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with a stop of underexposure to counter the tendency of this camera to overexpose in high contrast scene. When the image was brightened up in post, the noise level came up to some 29 that had need to be fixed.

The candy sampling lady was actually a poster stuck on the glass facade and door of the store. So there were vertical cuts where door met facade, with a couple of these cuts slashing across the lady. These were cloned over with colours of adjacent pixels.

Small Talk In The Forest


Small Talk In The ForestALT

Visitors in a quiet corner of the Shiseido Forest Valley in Jewel Changi. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The original capture show more of the forest with the folks looking very small. This was a 60 percent crop of the original image. There was also a greenish cast because of all the foliage so the greens were toned down in post.

Taking Memories Home


Taking Memories HomeALT

Folks snapping away to take some memories home. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

In such a scenario, I liked to keep the exposure down as highlights in the small human figures might get blown out quite easily. Therefore, exposure here was biased darker by 1-1/3 stops. The aperture of f/8 was used for this shot for more depth-of-field and also because the Tamron lens would give better resolution at this aperture.

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