Safe At Home

Safe At Home
A yellow-vented bulbul watching the photographer warily as it incubates its eggs. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

We nearly missed the nest as it was very well camouflaged among climbers near the top of a trellis. This had to be taken with the camera held overhead using live view. Thankfully, the camera with me that day had an articulated screen.

The Hunt Begins

The Hunt Begins
A Grey Heron gets ready to hunt as the tide recedes in the Changi river. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The sun was beating down relentlessly and so the exposure for this one had need to be biased 2 stops darker to keep the heron from being washed-out.

Pink Moths In A Blue World

Pink Moths In A Blue World
Pink Phalaenopsis or Moth Orchids in a shopping mall. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured against a blue backdrop to create greater contrast with colours that were nearly complementary. There was natural light streaming through the roof of the mall so lighting was very adequate for the 17-year old four thirds sensor in the camera.

The Greener Side Of Life

The Greener Side Of Life
A stream meandering through a park on the fringe of a residential estate. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Despite underexposing the capture by 1-2/3 stops, the sky was still a patch of white. Pulling back the highlights in post though, had thankfully revealed some details in the sky in the raw file.

Cactus-Like Dahlias

Cactus-Like Dahlias
Dahlia Forrestal occupying a place among other dahlias in the Flower Dome. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken with a 17-year-old camera. Our gear had been failing one after another recently so this got resurrected out of the (also dead) dry cabinet.

Beauty And The Beasts

Beauty And The Beasts
Fiery ‘dragons’ drawing attention on Sentosa Island. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Despite having underexposed by 2 stops, this image had still come out brighter than this. In post, the areas beside the ‘dragons’ and visitor were darkened locally and then the whole image exposed to the right.

Down To Earth

Down To Earth
Trees getting casual in the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This was captured in diffused light under a cloudy sky. 1/3 stop of negative exposure compensation was used and the image was then exposed for the tree trunk in post. Yellows were also de-saturated a little.

A Rich Feast And Full Bellies

A Rich Feast And Full Bellies
A prop depicting a Nordic Christmas feast in the conservatory here. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

I had chosen this elevated angle of view where it was much easier to keep selfie folks in front and at the rear out of sight. The conservatory had been seeing increasingly huge crowds since the border here re-opened last year.

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