Sporting Basic Kit

Sporting Basic Kit
An Aston Martin Vantage showing its colours along Orchard Road. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured back in 2019. The Leica X1 might not be most folks’ go-to kit for sports/action photography but it’s actually quite a decent little camera. Camera was held close to the ground and tilted for a little dynamic effect.

A High Climber

A High Climber
A young cat finding itself on the roof of a coastal hut in the Riau Islands. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The exposure was biased 2/3 stop brighter for this capture because of the bright sky behind the cat. Despite that, the cat had need to be brightened further in post.

The Plant With A Brain

The Plant With A Brain
The Cockscomb getting our attention with its brain-like flower head on Sentosa. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This was taken with a 1/2-inch sensor camera that, with its constant f/2.8 aperture, up to 1200mm (equivalent) focal length and raw capture, had given us a great number of images that we were quite happy with.

Lead Us Not Into Extinction

Lead Us Not Into Extinction
A critically endangered Orangutan pondering over the future prospect of its species. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was as it was captured at the equivalent focal length of 1200mm. I love the reach as it meant that the whole sensor area could be exploited to the fullest, as opposed to cropping in post.

Lace And More

Lace And More
A female Leopard Lacewing living out her adult days in a butterfly aviary in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken at the equivalent focal length of 1200 mm. The nice thing about the Leica V-lux 4 used here was that this could be captured in raw and wide open at f/2.8.

A Rich Feast And Full Bellies

A Rich Feast And Full Bellies
A prop depicting a Nordic Christmas feast in the conservatory here. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

I had chosen this elevated angle of view where it was much easier to keep selfie folks in front and at the rear out of sight. The conservatory had been seeing increasingly huge crowds since the border here re-opened last year.

Santa Mail

Santa Mail
A postal truck negotiating through Candyland in this Nordic Christmas prop in the conservatory. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured from a low angle to give the viewer the impression of being on the scene watching the truck thundering past and also to keep selfie takers behind the truck out of sight.

Ramsey’s Dancing Ladies

Ramsey’s Dancing Ladies
Oncidium Gower Ramsay dancing in the Cloud Forest. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Photographing these orchids for me often meant isolating a few of the flowers and choosing an angle where they would stand out and apart from the messy clusters. A dark backdrop such as the one used here would probably also helped.

The Gorgeous Bombax

The Gorgeous Bombax
A flowering Red Cotton Tree in the Flower Dome. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

We had seen this small tree budding a few days back. The flowers were now blooming one after another. 

This was captured against a dark brown backdrop with the exposure biased 2 stops darker.

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