A White Sportscar In The Sun


A White Sportscar In The SunALT

A McLaren Artura in the city centre in Singapore. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This white McLaren was in the sun and so I had biased the exposure darker by 2/3 stop to keep the white chassis from clipping. Lens flares were added in post for some extra drama.

Snack Time


Snack TimeALT

A feeding Caribbean Flamingo in the local bird park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This Caribbean Flamingo was seen filter feeding in its pool in the local bird park. Exposing for the highlights succeeded in darkening the background and removing some distracting reflections of surrounding birds.

Sharing The Limelight


Sharing The LimelightALT

An Olive-backed Sunbird looking for permission before feeding. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

Nell had managed to freeze this sunbird with a 1/400-second shutter speed. The contrast detection auto-focussing speed of the Leica V-lux 4 wasn’t really very fast but was sufficient to nail this shot. In post, the foliage around the head of the sunbird had need to be toned down and darkened for it to be barely noticed.

And Then There Were Three


And Then There Were ThreeALT

Dragonfly parade in the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This image apparently needed more than the stop of exposure compensation used at time of capture to darken the background, so it had need to be darkened further in post. Despite the smaller sensor, the depth of field here was narrowed down with wide open aperture of f/2.8 and close focusing.

A Special Moment


A Special MomentALT

A special moment between mother and child in Little India.
Photo credit: Jonathan Chua

This moment was captured in Little India some ten years ago with the 2006 Leica Digilux 3 and had remained a personal favourite in all my years of street photography. The mother and her child were a remarkable standout amid a sea of otherwise mostly sad faces.

Although the Digilux live view had sounded a little clunky, I was nevertheless happy that it had managed to catch the moment. Taken at ISO 400, the original image was actually quite noisy and this had to be fixed in post.

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