The Fence Sitter

The Fence Sitter
A Brown Anole apparently feeling safe in a hornbill cage. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This lizard was practically ignored by the hornbill in the cage which seemed to have had plenty for lunch.

Captured with a 1/2-inch sensor bridge camera and the jpeg generated in-camera for review had shown a washed-out lizard belly. But there was apparently plenty of details in the raw file once converted in post.

On Higher Ground

On Higher Ground
A Veiled Chameleon trying to convince itself that it could reach that high point there near the spotlight in 10 seconds flat. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

The camera had already pushed the ISO up to 6400 just to get a 1/200-second shutter speed. Thankfully, this was adequate to keep things sharp at the equivalent focal length of 480mm. But noise level had crept up to some 12 odd, some of which had need to be fixed in post.

Hi There!

Hi There!
A Green-crested Lizard coming down the tree to greet us in the local botanic gardens. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Bokeh from the Tamron 16-300mm lens was a little distracting here so the upper part of the background was ‘burned’ and darkened to make that less intrusive.

Greening The Earth

Greening The Earth
A Green Tree Monitor keeping itself warm near the ceiling light. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The monitor was close to the light in the dark interior of its glass cage. So to keep the lizard from being washed-out, the capture was underexposed by 1-2/3 stops.

On Top Of Things

On Top Of Things
A changeable lizard emerging after the rain in search of food. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

Caught in a twisted pose as it scrambled up the shrub to seek a prey. This was cropped to compose. Aside from the leaves, other distractions in the background were darkened away.

In The Shadow Of Death

In The Shadow Of Death
A lizard in the deadly grip of a Paradise Tree Snake. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

We had only a little time to record this before the prey would be quickly devoured and the satiated snake would move up the tree. This image was cropped quite substantially. Because I didn’t want to move too near and end up frightening the snake into abandoning its meal. Another lizard elsewhere would’ve ended up as the replacement.

Tree Hugging Day

Tree Hugging Day
A changeable lizard sunning itself on a tree in Sentosa. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This was captured 1/3 stop brighter because of the bright sky originally on the right. Or else the camera would’ve been fooled by the bright sky into underexposing. The sky was darkened by ‘burning’ in post as the white patch could be rather distracting.

In Not-So-Green Mood


In Not-So-Green MoodALT

A Common Green Iguana sunning atop a hornbill cage in the local bird park. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This iguana was some 50 metres or 54 yards away. Nell had to use the 1200mm equivalent crop to capture this and biasing it darker by 1-2/3 stops to keep the highlights. Image was cropped to compose in post.

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