An Old World Monkey

An Old World Monkey
A Hamadryas Baboon in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken in shutter priority mode as I had needed to set a minimum shutter speed since the camera wasn’t reading any lens focal length information due to a dummy adapter.

Blowing Bubbles

Blowing Bubbles
A Grey Heron roosting in a then existing colony in Pasir Ris Park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with a mirror lens in 2018 but I don’t remember which one now (I have a 400mm, a 500mm and a 600mm) and the image exif file doesn’t say anything as I might have used a dummy adapter. The image out of the camera was muted as expected of mirror lenses, lacking contrast and saturation that had need to be restored in post. The doughnut bokeh could’ve been smoothed out but was left alone in this instance as they somehow looked interesting here.

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