Clarinet Solo In The Garden

Clarinet Solo In The Garden
A dragonfly playing the ‘clarinet’ in the Bay East Garden. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

It was rather windy that day. So our usual style of acquiring focus and re-composing wasn’t a good idea. 

This image was captured by placing the focus point on the head of the dragonfly and firing the shutter simultaneously. It was also shot a little wider than desired so that it could then be cropped to compose in post.

Smiling Damsel

Smiling Damsel
A damselfly struggling to keep still in the wind. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Depth-of-field of the APSC sized sensor was rather thin at close proximity but seemed to be quite adequate here. I had wanted this frontal view or else a side view might’ve easily kept the whole insect in focus.

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