The Greener Side Of Life

The Greener Side Of Life
A stream meandering through a park on the fringe of a residential estate. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Despite underexposing the capture by 1-2/3 stops, the sky was still a patch of white. Pulling back the highlights in post though, had thankfully revealed some details in the sky in the raw file.

Edge Of Civilization

Edge Of Civilization
Residences on the edge of a park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The original capture flared quite visibly despite a 2-stop underexposure as this copy of our lens had been giving communication errors and exposure metering issues.

In post, highlights were dialed down and mid-tones in flare areas were separately darkened to mitigate the issue.

A Time When Trees Were Clothed

A Time When Trees Were Clothed
Trees clothed and in their right mind in a local park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The lamp post up front didn’t seem to be standing perfectly vertical, so the building in the back was used here to get my horizon right. This was also collaborated by the lamp post on the far left.

Sabbatical In The Garden

Sabbatical In The Garden
Migrant workers taking a sabbatical in a town park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken under an overcast sky. An ND grad filter to darken the sky here could’ve darkened the tree canopies as well. So instead, I underexposed the image by a stop and did further darkening in post where the sky was selected a section at a time and darkened in varying degrees. Some chromatic aberration were also fixed by desaturating the reds and magenta channels.

Antics In The Park

Antics In The Park
A coconut palm yearning to take a dip in the afternoon heat. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

There were actually harsh shadows all over the scene in the original capture. So highlights and shadows were tweaked in post to mitigate that. If this were captured in jpeg, I may not have even bothered to try as colour channels would’ve clipped very quickly before any good could be done.

Lost In Nature

Lost In Nature
Having a quiet time in the park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was shot from across the river. I had wanted to include more of the flora to fit the theme, which also would have the guy looking very small. The capture was therefore underexposed by a stop to keep the tiny human figure from being washed-out. However, highlights had still need to be pulled back a little in post.

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