Dining In Style


Dining In StyleALT

Folks tucking in in style in Jewel Changi. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The original capture was actually rather flat, perhaps because the scene was too evenly lit. In post, the left and right ends of the image were darkened a little.

Under A Banyan Tree


Under A Banyan TreeALT

Something to take home for these two visitors in the botanic garden. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

We were trying to photograph this tree when these two gentlemen walked into the scene and stopped for a selfie.

This was captured with a stop of underexposure to keep highlights. The shadows were then brightened a little in post so that these guys could be seen more clearly.

Left Behind On Sentosa Island


Left Behind On Sentosa IslandALT

A lone visitor getting a good tan on Siloso Beach. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Although this was captured on a full-frame sensor, the depth-of-field at f/8 and 70mm was apparently good enough to cover both the gentleman and the ship that was about 500 metres out.

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