A Fiery Ride

A Fiery Ride
Folks enjoying a ride in the garden. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

They stood out at about 100 metres away (a little over 100 yards) and I had quickly stooped down to grab the shot. Thankfully, the phase detection auto-focus system of the camera was quick to deliver here.

Selfie On The Go

Selfie On The Go
A young family recording memories in a local park. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

Nell managed to catch this in a local park. The folks happened to be in a bright spot and so the shutter speed was just too fast to get any meaningful motion blur. This had to be added in post.

Lone Rider

Lone Rider
Working out at dusk in a local park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The Sigma DP2 Merrill might not be your usual camera for sports/action photography today but I enjoy using that for the genre as it forces me to re-visit old school techniques. In the film era when we did not have the benefit of 10 frames-per-second burst speed and great high ISO performance, panning and zone-focusing were the usual routine for the serious sports photographer.

This lone rider working out in a local park at dusk provided the opportunity to put the DP2M through its paces. I had just enough time to pre-focus before the rider was right in front of me. Panning at 1/13 second as he zipped past, I barely managed to get the image I wanted and a little post processing did the rest.

A Ride Of His Life


A Ride Of His LifeALT

A sculpture by Robert James Workshop UK in the Flower Dome here. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

A snapshot that was underexposed by a stop to keep highlights under a harsh sun. In post, some foliage behind the rider were ‘burned’ and darkened so that he could stand out better.

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