In The Eye of A Fish

In The Eye of A Fish
The Marina Bay Sands at the blue hour. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

A diagonal fish-eye lens was used in this 2012 shot. Despite using a sturdy tripod, some shake were still visible at 100 percent view. This was probably due to shutter shock which thing the older Panasonic cameras, such as the GX1 used here, were quite prone to. Thankfully, things looked fine at this size.

Turning Heads

Turning Heads
A restaurant in town showing heads of happy diners on their premises. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The barrel distortion of a fish-eye lens was used here to invoke a little curiosity. The camera was held very close to the first head and just beneath its level. The image was then converted to monochrome in post.

Supertrees – A Fisheye View

Supertrees – A Fisheye View
A fisheye view of the Supertrees at dusk in the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Captured without any exposure bias. In post, mid-tones were brightened up and ‘vibrance’ was pushed up. ‘Vibrance’ is actually a unique feature of Adobe Photoshop which would increase saturation wherever this might be needed while leaving already saturated areas untouched. Here however, the blues and cyan were intensified further to bring out the blues of the sky.

Meeting In The Air

Meeting In The Air
Skyscrapers huddling together to talk about their day. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken with the diminutive Panasonic GX1 paired with a manual focus 8mm lens. Exposure was biased 1-2/3 stops darker to preserve sky details. In post, the sky was then darkened and, cyans and blues were intensified to bring out the blues in the sky.

Lost Near The Marsh


Lost Near The MarshALT

A bicycle basking in the sun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The fence was distorted by the 8mm fisheye lens used in this shot. The camera was held level and not tilted and so things around the centre of the frame had looked normal while distortion was more pronounced towards the edge. The bicycle was originally in the centre of the frame. The image had been cropped to compose in post.

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