The Lure Of The Sea

The Lure Of The Sea
The Kelong Walk at low tide in 2013. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

No exposure bias was set for this capture despite the bright sky as I had wanted there to be a few little details on the horizon rather than just a dark mass. Blue filter was added in post.

Rushing Home For Dinner

Rushing Home For Dinner
A Riau Islands boatman rushing home at sundown. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with a 1/2-inch sensor camera, an unpopular kit for landscape and low-light work. Exposure was biased 2 stops darker to preserve highlights. Mid-tones were then brightened in post separately for the sky and the sea.

Fighting Beach Erosion


fighting beach erosionALT

Timber acting as temporary breakwaters along Changi beach. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

With the wide end of the Fujifilm S100FS exhibiting a bit of barrel distortion, the bending of the horizon had become obvious as the camera wasn’t held level enough here.

Left Behind On Sentosa Island


Left Behind On Sentosa IslandALT

A lone visitor getting a good tan on Siloso Beach. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Although this was captured on a full-frame sensor, the depth-of-field at f/8 and 70mm was apparently good enough to cover both the gentleman and the ship that was about 500 metres out.

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