Mudflat Gazing

Mudflat Gazing
A Shore Pit Viper enjoying its mudflat gazing pastime in the eastern part of the island. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

The harsh sun was streaming through the trees and lighting up the viper here and there. So Nell had waited till it was hidden behind clouds before getting the image.

Ere The Strike

Ere The Strike
An agitated Shore Pit Viper in a local wetland. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This viper had earlier been riled by a clueless youth who was taking its photo with his smartphone up very very close. The still anxious snake was captured here from a distance of at least a metre away. This was actually a 22 percent crop of the original image. Exposed for the dark snake with 1-1/2 stops of positive exposure compensation. The hue was tweaked in post for a warmer tone.

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