The Lure Of The Sea

The Lure Of The Sea
The Kelong Walk at low tide in 2013. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

No exposure bias was set for this capture despite the bright sky as I had wanted there to be a few little details on the horizon rather than just a dark mass. Blue filter was added in post.

Riding Into The Sunset

Riding Into The Sunset
A cyclist working out at dusk in a local park. Photo credit: Jonathan & Eleanor Chua.

This was an attempt at doing a composite of the rider working in a park at sunset. The rider and the sunset had come from two different images.

Getting Up There

Getting Up There
Folks having some exhilarating moments atop a Supertree. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua. 

This was taken shortly before a downpour from across the reservoir. The whole scene was kind of drab. So I went for a silhouette instead. A light colour filter was added in post.

Garden Of Shadows

Garden Of Shadows
Supertrees casting shadows in the Gardens by the Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The sun was on the right and just a little behind the Supertrees. With the 2/3-inch sensor, 1-1/3 stops of underexposure was good enough to get this silhouette effect and keep the highlights at the same time.

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