Trek Rider

A Trek rider working out in a local park. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This was captured with the exposure biased darker by 2/3 stop to preserve highlights. Shadows were then brightened up in post with the background colours toned down and darkened a bit.

Hot Seats

Hot Seats
Dragon boats basking in the sun on the far side of Marina Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Across the bay from the touristy Gardens by the Bay was this favourite haunt of dragon boat paddlers comprising of not only locals but also expatriates. Taken in 2017 with the Lumix LC1.

Zippy Jaguar

Zippy Jaguar
Jaguar’s wonder electric I-Pace hitting 100km/h from standstill in 4.8 seconds. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

It would’ve been nice if the humble Sigma DP2M could catch this 100km/h (about 62 mph) dash but no, the motion blur here had to be created out of the actual background in post. The starting point of the zoom radial blur had need to be placed outside the frame, so the canvas size was increased by 130 percent to the right for this, after which the image was cropped back to its original size.

Deliver Us From Evil

Deliver Us From Evil
An ambulance responding to an emergency in the heartland. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken at noon and the lighting was very good and so the shutter speed was a little too fast to produce any motion blur. It had to be added in post.

A Ferrari In The Grand Canyon

A Ferrari In The Grand Canyon
A Ferrari zipping around town here. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Well, not really … but the background did make me think of the canyon. Captured with the camera placed almost on the ground and tilted for that little extra drama.

A Classic Lingers On

A Classic Lingers On
A Landrover Defender making an appearance in Chinatown on a fine afternoon. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The camera was held nearly on the ground for this shot. Shutter speed was too fast to create any meaningful motion blur so this had to be done in post.

A Mini Sensation

A Mini Sensation
A Mini Cooper S zipping around a back alley in the heart of the city. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The background colours were a little too distracting as the motion blur was apparently not pronounced enough. So that was turned into sepia in post.

An Everest Task

An Everest Task
A Ford Everest in the Police stable. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken with the camera nearly on the ground and with much of the bright sky in the frame. I had to compensate by 1-2/3 stops to keep the car sufficiently lit. Colours were then tweaked a little in post to lend a warmer tone.

Riding Into The Sunset

Riding Into The Sunset
A cyclist working out at dusk in a local park. Photo credit: Jonathan & Eleanor Chua.

This was an attempt at doing a composite of the rider working in a park at sunset. The rider and the sunset had come from two different images.

Flying Good Start

Flying Good Start
A young biker getting up to speed in the Marina Bay vicinity. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured some four years back. The shutter speed was fast enough to keep the little girl sharp but wasn’t slow enough to produce any meaningful motion blur. That had to be enhanced in post.

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