A Ride Of Its Life

A Ride Of Its Life
A poodle getting the ride of its life in a local park. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This was captured with an eleven-year old contrast detection auto-focus camera. Auto-focus wasn’t terrific but good enough for panning moving bikes like this one. Background greens were toned down a bit in post.

Comfy On The Rink

Comfy On The Rink
Kids seemingly feeling quite at home on the Digital Light Canvas in the Marina Bay Sands. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Skin tones from the Fujifilm X-S1 were pleasant enough so there was no need for me to tweak the colour. I had kept the shutter speed at 1/320 sec so as not to miss the kids’ action, pushing up the ISO to 320 inadvertently. For the small 2/3-inch sensor, this resulted in obvious noise when viewed at actual size. Since this was for just VGA size presentation, I left the noise alone and kept whatever details there that had been captured.

And It Was Night

And It Was Night
A dragon lantern in Chinatown. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken some years back. The ISO was inadvertently set to auto, and so it came up to 3200, generating quite a bit of noise – double digit level. I remember the camera was placed on an electrical power box, so I could’ve used a base ISO instead. Only some of the noise was fixed in post as fine details were already beginning to be impacted.

Photography In The Garden City

Photography In The Garden City
One who looked like a naturalist photographing lilies by the bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This gentleman was some 20 metres away and quite engrossed in his task, so I had time to squat down and take the shot at his level.

A Cool Lady

A Cool Lady
A lady getting a cool respite from the afternoon heat at a popular tourists’ spot. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured from about 50 metres (about 55 yards) away at the equivalent focal length of 350mm. The lady was standing out from her dark backdrop. 2-1/3 stops of underexposure was used so that highlights might not clip. Mid-tones were then lifted a tad in post.

A Ride Made In Japan

A Ride Made In Japan
A glimpse of Japan in Singapore. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The original image was a little on the dark side, as the bike was mostly back-lit and also I had only biased the exposure brighter by just 1/3 stop. In post, shadows and highlights were tweaked to get this final image.

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Urban People


Urban PeopleALT

“Urban People” by Swiss Sculptor Kurt Laurenz Metzler standing in front of Ion Orchard. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

There wasn’t any exposure bias at the time of capture. In post, the backdrop had its mid-tones darkened so that the “people” might be isolated better. Colours were left as captured as I’m mostly happy with the output from the Panasonic Lumix LC-1.

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