Quiet Before The Storm

Quiet Before The Storm
Boats languishing at low tide in Sungei Changi in the face of an approaching storm. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This capture was underexposed 1-2/3 stops for the sake of the highlights.

The image was then converted to vivid black and white in post. Dark and mid-tones for the boats and background including the sky were darkened while the water and foreground were separately darkened with the sky reflection receiving more treatment. Overall contrast was then tweaked to get this final image.

High And Dry

High And Dry
A boatman working on the propeller of his boat at low tide along Sungei Changi. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured in the harsh sun with the exposure biased darker by only 2/3 stop. The bulk of the work was then done in post. Highlights on the boat were darkened. The background behind the boat and the water in the foreground were also darkened. Overall contrast was then tweaked to get this final image.

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