The Sun Knows Its Going Down

The Sun Knows Its Going Down
Sunset over the Keppel Bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken against the setting sun and the original capture was somewhat hazy and drab. Reds and yellows were then tweaked in post to fix that.

The Beginning Of Sorrows

The Beginning Of Sorrows
A tank keeping solo vigil at dusk in a time of wars and rumours of wars. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was actually a composite of two images, one of the battle tank and the other of a sunset scene.

Small Talk At Dusk

Small Talk At Dusk
Village kids watching the sunset together in the Riau Islands. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with 2/3 stop of positive exposure compensation to light up the kids but ended up with the sky being on the bright side lacking details. Sky details were restored in post through tweaking the mid-tones.

Another way of doing it would’ve been to photograph with an ND grad filter attached, not the round type but the square or rectangular one. With the latter, you could adjust the height of the filter to darken just the sky region.

A Rueful Sunset

A Rueful Sunset
The sun setting over the Supertree Grove. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

… in search of a glorious morning. 

This was taken handheld as I wasn’t carrying a tripod at the time. To keep sky highlights, this was underexposed 1-2/3 stops. That had also kept the ISO at 125. Shadows were then lifted up a bit during raw conversion.

Kepri Sunset

Kepri Sunset
Sunset over Tanjungpinang in the Riau Islands. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was underexposed by 2-2/3 stops to preserve highlight details but unfortunately, little details if any at all, could be had when brightening the shadows in post since this was from a 1/2-inch sensor. That was the cost of travelling light and when I had rather chosen reach over sensor size.

A Sailor’s Delight

A Sailor's Delight
A red sunset over the Riau Islands. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken with a 1/2-inch sensor bridge camera, an unpopular tool for landscapes but quite adequate for small images like this. The capture was underexposed by 2 stops to keep sky details. The sea was then brightened a little in post to show subtly the boat and some stakes in the water.

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