The Beginning Of Sorrows

The Beginning Of Sorrows
A tank keeping solo vigil at dusk in a time of wars and rumours of wars. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was actually a composite of two images, one of the battle tank and the other of a sunset scene.

Riding Into The Sunset

Riding Into The Sunset
A cyclist working out at dusk in a local park. Photo credit: Jonathan & Eleanor Chua.

This was an attempt at doing a composite of the rider working in a park at sunset. The rider and the sunset had come from two different images.

Ere The Strike

Ere The Strike
An agitated Shore Pit Viper in a local wetland. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This viper had earlier been riled by a clueless youth who was taking its photo with his smartphone up very very close. The still anxious snake was captured here from a distance of at least a metre away. This was actually a 22 percent crop of the original image. Exposed for the dark snake with 1-1/2 stops of positive exposure compensation. The hue was tweaked in post for a warmer tone.

Coastal Living

Coastal Living
Stilt houses off the southern coast of Sentosa Island. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken back in 2012. The stilt houses are no longer around. The Pentax Kr tended to underexpose a bit, so this was biased 1-1/2 stops brighter because of the bright sky and beach.

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