Urban Camping

Urban Camping
Camping out in the urban jungle. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken back in 2012 with a bridge camera when I was too lazy to lug along a dslr and changing lenses. The Canon SX30 could only shoot jpegs and I found having only jpegs was rather limiting and this eventually drove me back to interchangeable lens gear and only cameras that had raw option.

Fair Game For Progress

Fair Game For Progress
The Rochor Centre, a public housing estate built in the 1970s, standing in the sun in 2017. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Once listed by the authorities as a protected landmark, the Rochor Centre was nevertheless demolished in 2018-2019 to make way for new developments.

Although the lighting was rather harsh, there was still enough details in the sky in the raw file for this final image.

Reflection Of Its Former Glory

Reflection Of Its Former Glory
The Clifford Pier as it was in 2016, a restaurant offering local fares to preserve the former pier’s past hawker culture. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Usually when shooting towards the light, exposing for the shadows would’ve consequently brightened things up a bit. But in this instance, the exposure wasn’t biased brighter to keep the reflection clear.

Times Of The Dragon

Times Of The Dragon
‘Dragons’ going on a rumpage in a shopping mall. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The smaller sensor couldn’t possibly offer enough dynamic range to capture details in both the bright exterior and dark indoor. So I chose to expose for the ‘dragons’ in the mall.

Theatres By The Bay

Theatres By The Bay
The Outdoor and Indoor Esplanade theatres under an overcast sky by the bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured from across the bay and it was originally a bit hazy. In post, the contrast was tweaked and saturation was increased a little to get this final image.

The Nantah Legacy

The Nantah Legacy
A Chinese heritage centre in a western surburbs. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Taken at 16mm equivalent focal length for its convergence effect and tilted for a more dynamic composition. In post, blues were saturated some 50 percent to make the pale blue sky a little bluer.

Filling The Heart With Music

Filling The Heart With Music
A poinsettia-dressed Christmas tree in a shopping mall. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The background was converted to black and white in post partly so that the focus might rest on the tree and partly so that the reflection might be clearer.

Biggest House In Town

Biggest House In Town
Orchard Road in the mid-morning sun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The image here looks a little flat. I was actually trying to mitigate the effect of the harsh sun by tweaking the shadows and mid-tones in post and probably overdid something.

High Noon

High Noon
A quiet promenade outside the Shoppes at noon at the height of the pandemic last year. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured at the equivalent focal length of 16mm.

When A Storm Rolls In

When A Storm Rolls In
A storm approaching the Chinatown area. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Storm clouds were gathering over Chinatown as this image was taken. The unintended angle came about as I had to hold the camera behind a steel screen and shoot blind. But as an afterthought, the scene could’ve also used that bit of drama.

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