The Thinker

The Thinker
A chimpanzee looking distant in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

There was a little motion blur in the original capture. This was fixed with ‘auto shake reduction’ in post and the image was then converted to black and white.

Sunnier Side Of The Stream

Sunnier Side Of The Stream
This chimp had chosen the sunnier side of the stream in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This capture was underexposed 1-1/3 stops to keep highlights on the face of the chimp. Shadows were then tweaked a bit brighter in post.

In Sleepy Mode

In Sleepy Mode
A young chimp enjoying its mid-day rest in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

It was cloudy that moment so I had nice diffused light. In the harsh sun, the chimps’ eye sockets would otherwise have been in darkness.

Great Ape In A Quiet Moment


Great Ape In A Quiet MomentALT

A chimp having a quiet moment in the local zoo. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

It was the hottest time of the day and this chimp was taking shelter in the shade. This helped give Nell the lighting she just needed. The harsh noon sun might’ve otherwise left its eye sockets in dark shadows.

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