A Time To Stay Put

A Time To Stay Put
A dog refusing to budge despite much persuasion on a fine day in the botanic gardens. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured from across the lake at the equivalent focal length of about 300mm. It wasn’t cropped in further as I had wanted to include the subjects’ environment.

“It Is Finished”

"It Is Finished"
An acrylic portrayal of Christ in His last moments as He finished His salvific work for the human race. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was a very dimly lit spot in an indoor bazaar. At ISO 3200 (the maximum that I would go for the camera), the shutter speed was just 1/60 second for a 155mm focal length. Fortunately, this one came out okay.

The Ice Cream Matters

The Ice Cream Matters
An empty ice cream parlour on a hot day on Sentosa. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

It was very humid and the temperature was hovering around 34 degrees Celcius (or about 93 degrees Fahrenheit) and yet the ice cream parlour was void of customers. Maybe it wasn’t warm enough yet.

The chairs were actually very attractively coloured and had easily drowned out the ice cream box in the corner. So I converted all except the ice cream box into black and white in post.

In Breeding Mood

In Breeding Mood
A milky stork in breeding plumage watching the photographer warily in a wetland reserve. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This stork was at least 25 metres (about 27 yards) away from the hide but it was still wary. It would pause between its feeding and check out the hide now and then no matter how quiet and still I was.

Christmas Mouse

Christmas Mouse
Poinsettia ‘Christmas Mouse’ making a new appearance this year in the conservatory. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This poinsettia apparently got its name due to its rounded bracts that somehow resembled the ears of a mouse.

Japanese Honeysuckle

Japanese Honeysuckle
Lonicera japonica flourishing in the botanic gardens. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was photographed against dark undergrowth and underexposed 1-2/3 stops. These would usually bloom quite profusely and the trick was to choose a cluster that wasn’t too messy, had flowers of both colours in it and had a plain backdrop.

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