Strange Bedfellows

Strange Bedfellows
An Indian Gharial sharing a pond with a False Gharial in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This Indian Gharial had somehow been placed together with a False Gharial in this pond rather than with another Indian Gharial in the next pond.

This was captured straight on because of the thick glass screen. I might otherwise have to put up with distortions if it had been taken at an angle. The image was then converted to black and white in post.

Good Neighbours

Good Neighbours
A False Gharial and tortoise snuggling up to each other after the rain in a small pond. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was shot through a glass screen that was rather dirty near the water level. I came away with an image that was completely hazy. In post, the dark and mid-tones were darkened to remove the haze and this had nicely darkened away the background as well. The water had also need of being separately darkened further.

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