Cannibalism On The Bay

Cannibalism On The Bay
A damselfly that was still alive but barely in the Kingfisher Lake. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

A female Common Bluetail had her abdomen chewed off at the 1st segment by one of her own. What happened next could just make some sick; after devouring the abdomen, her cannibalistic kin came back for her head. A sad, ugly reality of life in this fallen world.

The damselfly was about a metre (a little over 1 yard) out on the lake and was back-lit by the late morning sun. A 2-stop positive exposure compensation was apparently still not sufficient so some local brightening was needed in post to adequately light up the damselfly.

Tough Renewal

Tough Renewal
A Great Hornbill trying out its repaired casque in the former Jurong Bird Park. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This Great Hornbill had apparently lost part of its casque to disease and was retrofitted with a replica by the bird park. The original image had distracting wire mesh and dense foliage in the background. That was because I couldn’t isolate the hornbill well enough as it was a good way inside the cage. So in post, the busy background was replaced with this grey one.

An Everest Task

An Everest Task
A Ford Everest in the Police stable. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken with the camera nearly on the ground and with much of the bright sky in the frame. I had to compensate by 1-2/3 stops to keep the car sufficiently lit. Colours were then tweaked a little in post to lend a warmer tone.

Oozing Barrel

Oozing Barrel
An oozing Glaucous Barrel Cactus in the Succulent Garden. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

It was close to noon and this barrel cactus appeared to be oozing heavily. The capture was under-exposed by 1-1/3 stops to preserve details. Then in post, the tones were re-adjusted, yellow, cyan and green channels de-saturated and a fair amount of sharpening was applied.

Flying Good Start

Flying Good Start
A young biker getting up to speed in the Marina Bay vicinity. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured some four years back. The shutter speed was fast enough to keep the little girl sharp but wasn’t slow enough to produce any meaningful motion blur. That had to be enhanced in post.

Cool Ride

Cool Ride
A Ferrari playing in a north-western suburb. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken from the top deck of a moving bus and therefore panning this Ferrari would’ve been a piece of cake if I had my camera all set and ready. But I didn’t have that luxury. 

When I spotted this Ferrari coming by, I had only enough time to pull out the camera from my bag and take the shot just as it zipped past. And it happened that the shutter speed was 1/250 second, too fast to get any meaningful motion blur. Thankfully, there wasn’t any visible shutter shock blur for this shot which thing the Sony A7R used here could be quite prone to. Motion blur derived from the actual background was added in post.

When A Storm Rolls In

When A Storm Rolls In
A storm approaching the Chinatown area. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

Storm clouds were gathering over Chinatown as this image was taken. The unintended angle came about as I had to hold the camera behind a steel screen and shoot blind. But as an afterthought, the scene could’ve also used that bit of drama.

The Lions Bridge

The Lions Bridge
The indoor section of the Lions Bridge in Marina Bay Sands. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua. 

The carpet stole the limelight at this spot so it was left in colour. Light was poor around here with the camera giving only a 1/80-second shutter speed. Thankfully, there wasn’t any shutter shock artefact in the resultant image which the Sony was quite susceptible to.

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