The Original Tiger Lily

The Original Tiger Lily
One of a few Tiger Lilies blooming in the conservatory. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This was taken against the light streaming into the conservatory. In post, the highlights had need to be pushed a little beyond clipping point for this effect.

In Sleepy Mode

In Sleepy Mode
A young chimp enjoying its mid-day rest in the local zoo. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

It was cloudy that moment so I had nice diffused light. In the harsh sun, the chimps’ eye sockets would otherwise have been in darkness.

At Home In The Park

At Home In The Park
A backpacker catching up with folks back home. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was captured with the exposure biased 1-1/3 stops darker to keep highlights. Image was then exposed to the right in post. Shadows were also tweaked so that the backpacker might be more conspicuous.

Photography In The Garden City

Photography In The Garden City
One who looked like a naturalist photographing lilies by the bay. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This gentleman was some 20 metres away and quite engrossed in his task, so I had time to squat down and take the shot at his level.

A Leo Hybrid

A Leo Hybrid
A Tulipa ‘Leo’ hybrid stealing the show among its fellow blooms. Photo credit: Eleanor Chua.

This tulip probably couldn’t decide whether it wanted to be a red or Golden Leo, and so came out appearing this way among its Golden Leo fellows. A stop of underexposure had darkened away the surrounding foliage. This has been one of the ways we use to help with subject isolation with small sensor cameras.

White Rainbow Bridge

White Rainbow Bridge
The White Rainbow Bridge basking in the afternoon sun. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

The sun was on the other side of the bridge that was undergoing renovation. Even though it was back-lit, exposure was kept 2 stops darker to preserve sky details. Mid-tones were then lifted up a bit in post.

Pacific Sunset

Pacific Sunset
Catatanthe Pacific Sunset mingling with other orchids in the Sembcorp Coolhouse. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This was taken against a dark backdrop with the exposure biased darker by 1-1/3 stops. The background was then toned down and darkened further in post for the look of a sunset.

In Under Five Seconds

In Under Five Seconds
An electric Jaguar I-Pace making waves in Changi Airport in 2019. Photo credit: Jonathan Chua.

This Jaguar SUV could apparently hit 100km/h (60mph) in under five seconds from standstill. The Sigma DP2 Merrill used for this shot could only capture it standing still in that time. Motion blur was added in post.

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